Our brands

Today we are the most important national factory for bicycles and motorcycles, with the best position in the Republic of Mexico , with more than 4000 points of sale, with the most important distributors in the country.

Passion for designing what we like the most, achieving the best result in each model during all these years.

Belfort V

High-End bicycles focused on extreme and specialized sport, Starting operations in 2013.

Our products are made by Mexican hands, from design, engineering and assembly.

We provide an excellent price vs. quality, to maintain a close relationship with the end consumer.

We are a brand that assembles motorcycles in Mexico, with a production of more than 60,000 a year.

Belfort tiendas V
Our constant growth has led us to create a new elite range, with European design and technology.
It represents quality and passion for sports. We started as a company specialized in top-level bicycle components.

Contact us

Tell us what we can do for you, write to us and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

    Veloci Group 2022 | All rights reserved.

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